by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 29, 2020 | AUGUST 2020, INFRARED, THE PATCH
Infrared photography of The Patch;showing the surrounding chlorophyll glowing...
by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 29, 2020 | AUGUST 2020
Do something that is: visually striking,socially radical, conceptually andcontextually sensitive, sustainable, in thepublic domain (outside of art venues), andhurts no living thing- something that willchange the world. Good...
by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 28, 2020 | AUGUST 2020, THE PATCH
The Garden next to the patch is full of...
by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 24, 2020 | AUGUST 2020, GARDENING, THE PATCH, VIDEO
The garden is growing out of control. The First Red Tomato! Video of the overflowing garden...
by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 20, 2020 | AUGUST 2020, THE PATCH
Still from the preparation for “The Philosopher and the Tomato”, in collaboration with Xavier Brouillette as the RatKind philosopher. Filmed during August 2020, in my tomato...
by Bonnie Baxter | Aug 1, 2020 | AUGUST 2020, MORELLI, THE PATCH, VIDEO
François Morelli’s Sculpture in the Patch in August 2020: The praying wheel in the gardens: Quick videos of The Patch filmed during...