by Bonnie Baxter | Oct 22, 2020 | MORELLI, OCTOBER, THE PATCH
The Patch with François Morelli’s Amazing Pod Sculptures, October 2020 VESPERS In your extended absence, you permit me use of earth, anticipating some return on investment. I must report failure in my assignment, principally regarding the tomato plants. I...
by Bonnie Baxter | Oct 3, 2020 | GOOD READS, OCTOBER, THE PATCH
“Most of us who live in the North and the West consume far too much – too much meat, too much fat, too much sugar, too much salt. We are more likely to put on too much weight than to go hungry. We live in a society that is heading for a crash. We are aware of...
by Bonnie Baxter | Oct 2, 2020 | GOOD READS, OCTOBER, THE PATCH
The moment when, after many years of hard work and a long voyage you stand in the center of your room, house, half-acre, square mile, island, country, knowing at last how you got there, and say, I own this, is the same moment when the trees unloose their soft arms...